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Reboot for Vital Community Group
Scarsdale Forum

The Scarsdale Forum, a non-profit group dedicated to analysis and discussion of issues relevant to Scarsdale, sought to improve and centralize its communications efforts. Dating back to 1904, it has made meaningful contributions to local civic affairs, but needed to attract new, younger members, and step up promotion efforts in an era of fast-paced digital communications.


Pinch Hit Prose infused new life into the forum's messaging efforts by creating a formal communications protocol and collaborating with the board to establish brand standards. Subsequent projects included redesigning and rewriting the forum's monthly newsletter, creating an advertising/information flyer format, and editing press releases and other communications for accuracy and consistency.


The group continues to work with Pinch Hit Prose to create high-quality communications that promote its activities and image to an expanded audience.

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pinch hitter n.  In baseball, a substitute who bats for a teammate, often at a critical moment in the game. Any substitute for another, especially in an emergency.

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